In general the most efficient
way to use a computer is to try to do only one thing at a time, trying
to do the task in hand to completion or until it is blocked, waiting for
an external event. However, the needs of users and of systems managed by
computers are often better served by allowing the computer to advance the
state of many tasks simultaneously, to allow for the possibility of concurrent
execution of multiple tasks. If a separate computer is available
for each task, then each computer can be dedicated to one task, and be
used in an efficient mono-programmed mode. In this section, we review some
of the issues related to concurrency:
Concurrency: The idea of concurrent
execution; states and state diagrams; deadlock prevention; dispatching
and context switching; interrupt handling in a concurrent environment.
Distributed systems: Data communications
concepts; network issues; the distinction between concurrency and autonomy;
trust and management of errors; synchronization.
Scheduling: Preemptive and nonpreemptive
scheduling; scheduling policies; processes and threads; real-time issues.
Basic issues of concurrency
Computational processes change
Information is equivalent to
alternatives in the states of systems
0 or 1 in a bit of a word
some information is of direct
input data for a culculation,
results of a calculation
some information is meta-information,
information about the status of information
the program is ready and waiting
for input data
the program is running
the program has output data
ready and is waiting to provide it
We may view a computation in
terms of all the states in the systems
e.g.treat all the bits in
all the words in memory as bits in one big word
or aggregate all the status
We may view a computation in
terms of organized subsets of information
e.g.all the data related
to a particular sub-calculation with
all the meta-information
about the status of that calculation
if ( s > 0 ) { wakeup_waiting_process();
} else {s++;}
Mutex (mutual exclusion lock)
simple two state sempahore
usually inverted
language managed critical section
Wait for all processes to arrive
at an agreed location
Distributed Systems
Lack of shared memory
No simple hardware for atomic
Multiple replicas of data needed
Message passing and remote procedure
Three-way handshakes
Significant latency in communications
High overhead to all attempts
at process coordination
Long pipelines of data
Time synchronization difficult
Significant possibility of lost,
duplicated or corrupted data
Errors managed with redundant
data (checksums)
Layering used to create reliable
virtual connections
data stream broken into numbered
data retained and retransmitted
if not acknowledged
matching circular buffers maintained
on both sides
extra pointers used to manage
multiple un-acknowledged packets
Significant possibility of intentionally
incorrect data
Identities of senders need to
be authenticated
Data needs to be checked
DoS attacks need to be managed
Encryption desirable (SSH, SSL,
Processes and threads
A process consists of the actual
resources and actions of a computation
A thread is a light-weight process
Choosing among multiple processes
that are ready to run
Optimize for intended system
Serve processes in order set
by psystem policies
Try to optimize use of resources
Many scheduling policies
First job in is first job out
Wastes resources on I/O bound
no may to get an urgent short
job out
Shortest job first, shortest
remaining time first
Estimate the CPU time to completion
Run the job with shortest estimated
time to completion first
Correct time estimates based
on measured CPU time vs. I/O wait time
Reschedule as new jobs arrive
Round robin scheduling
Preempt running jobs on clock
QOS (Quality of Service Scheduling)
Rank jobs with priorities, serve
"highest" priority jobs first
Batch systems
No users waiting for immediate
Subject to external priorities,
run shortest remaining time job first
Modify scheduling to allow for
I/O drivers interrupt compute-bound
Mainly non-preemptive (wait
for jobs to block on I/O)
Coarse time grain on preemptive
I/O in long streams if possible
Time sharing systems and interactive
Users waiting for immediate
Preemptive scheduling necessary
Time scales below 1/2 second
li>QOS flags make fair scheduling difficult -- some classes of service
may starve
I/O scheduling is a primary
limitation in system response
Buffers must be accessible early
in transfer processes
Drivers must keep the CPU for
short periods of time
Multiple I/O transactions must
be supported "simultaneously"
Threads may be scheduled separately
as full processes or as sub processes by the parent. Typically all threads
within a parent process on a mono-processor system are viewed as the presponsibility
of the parent process. Efficient multiprocessor used requires more intimate
interaction with the scheduler.
Real-time systems
Similar to interactive systems,
but with hard constraints
May avoid interrupts to ensure
deterministic behavior