All assignments are to be submitted as text-only email or posted on
the web and submitted by email
containing the URL of the
assignment to:
with absolutely no attachments. No assignments will
be accepted late.
No assignments will be accepted on paper. No assignments will be
accepted on diskettes.
assignment is late if the email is sent after the start of the class at
which it is due.
The grade for the assignment will be sent back to the email address from
which the
assignment email was sent. In the case of group assignments in which
multiple students
are involved, one student should be the sender of the email and the other
students should
be listed both in the email "CC:" list and in the body of the
Students should check this page frequently for updates.
Assignment #1, assigned Thursday, 2 September 2004, due Tuesday,
7 September 2004 and Thursday, 9 September 2004.
In class you should have created a small web page in
your account in public_html/index.html that says "Web
site of <your_name>
under construction", where <your_name> is replaced by your
first name. Using a text editor (not Word or DreamWeaver, just an
ordinary text editor), change
the text on that page to include more lines of information (your choice, but at least
six lines). Experiment with separating the lines with
"<BR>" or with "<P>",
and experiment with putting "<b>" before some text and
"</b>" after that
text, until you have something reasonably pleasing and presentable. Have
that short page ready no later than for class on Tuesday, 7 September 2004.
Send an email when your page is ready to be viewed.
Write notes on what you figured out in the first part of this
assignment in your notebook and bring it with you on Thursday, 9 September
Record clear instructions in your notebook on how to connect to, how to edit a file and how to terminate the connection.
Read Chapters 1 and 2 of the Reed text book. For Tuesday, prepare
notes to answer each of the Review Questions at the end of Chapter 1 and
write those notes in your notebook. (Hint, any of these questions
might appear on Tuesday's quiz).
For Thursday, prepare notes on how you would deal with each of the
13 exercises in Chapter 2 and write those notes in your notebook. (Hint,
any of these questions might appear on Thursday's quiz).
There is no class on Thursday, 16 September 2004
Assignment #2, assigned Thursday, 8 September 2004, due Tuesday,
14 September 2004 and Tuesday, 21 September 2004.
Read Chapters 3 of the Reed text book for next Tuesday (14 Sep) and
Chapter 4 for the Tuesday after (21 Sep).
Prepare notes to answer each of the Review Questions at the end of Chapter 3,
and prepare notes to respond to each of the exercises in Chapter 4
and write those notes in your notebook. (Hint, any of these questions
might appear on quizzes).
For next Tuesday (14 Sep) based on the text and on discussion in class
today, write a description in your notebook of the architecture of modern
For the Tuesday after (21 Sep), write a well-researched essay on the
ethics of downloading
music on the web, and post it on your web site as
"Music_Ethics.html". Be sure
to cite recent news articles. Be sure to credit your sources. Be sure to use
quotation marks and cite your source on any words for which you are not the
original author. DO NOT USE WORD TO FORMAT YOUR TEXT. The file must either be
simple text or HTML that you edited with an ordinary text editor such as pico.
Send an email with the URL of your essay before the start of class on 21
The essay will not be accepted late. The essay will not be accepted on
The essay will not be accepted in the text of the email message.
Assignment #3, assigned Tuesday, 21 September 2004, due Thursday,
23 September 2004 and Tuesday, 28 September 2004.
Reread Chapter 4 of the Reed text book for Thursday and
read chapter 5 for next Tuesday. You will be
moving from just writing web pages to adding programming to
your web pages. Exercise 4.9 requires you to write a story
and allow the user to fill in portions of the story. In order
to do that, you first need to simply write a story.
For Thursday, prepare a web page called mystory.html
and post it to your web site. There should not be any
JavaScript in this web page, just a simple, 2 or more
paragraph story that you will modify later to satisfy
the conditions of excercise 4.9. The story must be your
own, original creative work.
Your notebooks will be graded in the near future.
Be sure to have them with you. Be sure you have done the
work required in all the assignments.
Assignment #4, assigned Tuesday, 28 September 2004, due Thursday,
30 September 2004 and Tuesday, 5 October 2004.
Reread Chapter 5 of the Reed text book for Thursday and
read chapter 6 for next Tuesday.
Prepare notes to respond to each of the exercises in Chapter 5
and write those notes in your notebook. (Hint, any of these questions
might appear on quizzes).
In class, you will have started on exercise 4.9. Finish it
by Thursday and post it on your web site.
Be prepared to propose your web-based semester project on Thursday.
You will work on your own project, but you are encouraged to use
a study group to help you with the mechanics and to help you
refine your project.
For Tuesday, write an essay on your current thoughts on
the process of debugging a web page with JavaScript code. Your thesis must be
one of the following:
It is best to plan carefully and avoid as many problems as possible
before posting your web page, desk checking and writing as correct web
page as possible the first time you try.
It is best to get something written quickly, post it, try it and check for
errors, and iteratively correct your web page until your web page is
The best strategy in debugging is a combination of the two
strategies stated above.
Later in this semester, after you have gained more experience, you
will have to write an updated version of this essay.
Assignment #5, assigned Tuesday, 5 October 2004, due Thursday,
7 October 2004 and Tuesday, 12 October 2004.
Reread Chapter 6 of the Reed text book for Thursday and
read chapter 7 for next Tuesday.
Prepare notes on the review questions in Chapter 6 and
write those notes in your notebook.
Start a project web page for your semester project.
The project web page is not the semester project. It
is a page on which you will report and update the status
of your project. You must update this page at least
once per week from now on. Email the URL to your instructor.
Assignment #6, assigned Tuesday, 12 October 2004, due Thursday,
14 October 2004 and Tuesday, 19 October 2004.
Reread Chapter 7 of the Reed text book for Thursday and
read chapter 8 for next Tuesday.
Prepare notes on the review questions in Chapter 7 and
write those notes in your notebook.
Update the project web page for your semester project.
The project web page is not the semester project. It
is a page on which you will report and update the status
of your project. You must update this page at least
once per week from now on. Email the URL to your instructor.
There will be an in-class open book, open notes,
open computer midterm on Tuesday, 19 October 2004.
Your notebooks will be graded during the midterm, but
they will be checked one at a time, so you will have
access to them for most of the time. Be sure to have
everything that the prior assignments asked you to put
in your notebooks in your notebooks.
Students taking the 3 point course (CSC1023N) or the 4 point
course (CSC1012N) will have 1 hour 20 minutes for a common midterm.
Students in the 3 point course will then leave. Students in the
4 point course will then have an extra 1/2 hour exam.
Assignment #7, assigned Thursday, 21 October 2004, due Tuesday,
26 October 2004 and Thursday, 28 October 2004.
Reread Chapter 8 of the Reed text book for Tuesday and
read chapter 9 for next Thursday.
Prepare notes on the review questions in Chapter 8 and
write those notes in your notebook.
Update the project web page for your semester project.
The project web page is not the semester project. It
is a page on which you will report and update the status
of your project. You must update this page at least
once per week from now on. Email the URL to your instructor.
Assignment #8, assigned Thursday, 28 October 2004, due Thursday,
4 November 2004 and Tuesday, 9 November 2004.
There is no class on Tuesday, 2 November 2004.
Reread Chapter 9 of the Reed text book for Thursday and
read chapter 10 for next Tuesday.
Prepare notes on the exercises in Chapter 9 and
write those notes in your notebook.
Update the project web page for your semester project.
The project web page is not the semester project. It
is a page on which you will report and update the status
of your project. You must update this page at least
once per week from now on. Email the URL to your instructor.
Be prepared to present the status of your project to the class
on Tuesday, using your project status web page.
Assignment #9, assigned Tuesday, 9 November 2004, due Thursday,
11 November 2004 and Tuesday, 16 November 2004.
Read Chapter 11 of the Reed text book for Thursday and
read chapter 12 for next Tuesday.
Prepare notes on the exercises in Chapter 11 and
write those notes in your notebook.
Update the project web page for your semester project.
The project web page is not the semester project. It
is a page on which you will report and update the status
of your project. If you have not already done so, you
must now commit to a design for your web page, specifying
what will be input, what will be output and what will
be calculated.
You must update this page at least
once per week from now on. Email the URL to your instructor.
Assignment #10, assigned Tuesday, 16 November 2004, due Thursday,
18 November 2004 and Tuesday, 23 November 2004.
Read Chapter 13 of the Reed text book for Thursday and
read chapter 14 for next Tuesday.
Prepare notes on the exercises in Chapter 13 and
write those notes in your notebook.
Prepare an updated essay on debugging taking into account
what you have learned this semester.
Update the project web page for your semester project.
The project web page is not the semester project. It
is a page on which you will report and update the status
of your project. You must update this page at least
once per week from now on. Email the URL to your instructor.
There is no class on Thursday, 25 November 2004.
You will be presenting your semester projects in class the week
after. Details will follow, but you are advised to get
your project web pages in shape over the Thanksgiving holiday.
Assignment #11, assigned Tuesday, 23 November 2004, due Tuesday,
30 November 2004 and Thursday, 2 December 2004.
Read Chapter 15 of the Reed text book for Tuesday and
read chapter 16 for next Thursday.
Prepare notes on the exercises in Chapter 15 and
write those notes in your notebook.
Be prepared to present your semester project on Tuesday.
The presentations will probably spill over to Thursday, but
you must be ready to present on Tuesday. You will give
a 5-10 minute presentation of the project itself. You
must be prepared to explain not only what your project does,
but how it does it. You will be graded for both the quality
of the presentation and the content. An important issue
in the content will be how well you have made use to
the techniques you have learned this semester.
As part of your presentation, you must finish
the project web page for your semester project explaining
how you created your project. You will have an extra
day after your presentaion to take into account
comments during the presentation to improve both
the project web page and the semester project.
The project web page is not the semester project. It
is a page on which you reported and updated the status
of your project. Email the URL to your instructor.
Assignment #12, assigned Thursday, 2 December 2004, due Tuesday,
7 December 2004 and Thursday, 9 December 2004.
Read Chapter 17 of the Reed text book for Tuesday and
read chapter 18 for next Thursday.
Prepare notes on the exercises in Chapter 17 and
write those notes in your notebook.
Final: The school has decided not to schedule full length final
examination periods this semester. Therefore the final for this course
will be held in two parts, one on Tuesday,
14 December 2004, at 1 pm, and the second on Thursday, 16 December 2004,
at 1 pm. Each time, students in the 3 point course, CSC 1023, will stay until
2:20. Each time, students in the 4 point course, CSC 1012, will stay until 3
pm. Each time, all students, whether in the 3 point course or in the
4 point course will start with the same exam. Students in the 4 point couse
will then take an additional exam. This means that students in the 3 point
course will take two exams for this course that week, and students in
the 4 point course will take 4 exams for this course that week. It is
important to show up for both exam sessions. Showing up for only one
session will result in a maximum final examination grade of 50%. Showing
up for neither session will result in a final examination grade of 0%.