notes for
Software Engineering
by Herbert J. Bernstein
© Copyright 1999, 2002 Herbert J. Bernstein
Development Methodologies
- Software/Systems/Applications Development Life Cycles
- Confusion between methodologies and cycles
- A cycle is a fact
- A methodology is a plan for dealing with facts
- Cycles are circular
- There are many possible cycles (see
- Systems are born and die and new generations carry on
- Change is a constant
- Stages
- Definition of the problem (Conception)
- Needs Analysis (Definition of Requirements)
- Consideration of Alternatives (Feasibility Analysis)
- Creating a solution (Labor)
- Detailed design
- Construction
- Testing
- Implementing a solution (Delivery)
- Initial Operation and Support (Raising the child)
- Mature Operation and Support (Leaving home)
- Obsolescence (Old age, retirement and death)
- Waterfall life cycle model
- Life-cycle for newly created systems, being created in isolation
from other systems
- Ideally, each stage is completed correctly and "signed-off" before
going to the next
- In practice, it is necessary to go back "up-hill" and iterate
- Evolutionary life cycle model
- Existing software "spawns" new software
- Designs derived from existing designs
- Software components derived from existing components (templates)
- Later stages of life cycle of existing products happen in
parallel with earlier stages for newly spawned products
- No barrier to going "up-hill"
- Chaotic and Darwinian
- Assumes "open design", "open source" environment
- "Fifth-generation" formal life-cycle
- Designs are created
- Designs are automatically translated into software
- Spiral life cycle model
- Development in related layers
- Like waterfall, each layer feeds into the next
- Essential waterfall stages with each layer
- Similar phases within each layer replace backtracking in waterfall
- Methodologies
- Spontaneous creation
- Waterfall -- stage by stage with no backtracking
- Waterfall with backtracking
- Evolutionary development -- many phases happen in parallel
- Formal development
- Spiral development
- JAD, PD, RAD -- techniques used in all of the above
- Classic development
- IT controls and drives the development process
- IT staff acts as hub
- Respond to users/managers one at a time
- Joint Application Development
- Users/managers drive the development process
- Highly structured, formal, group-oriented process
- Face to face interactions among major stakeholders and developers
- Roles
- Facilitator
- Plans the process
- Independently guides the process (not subordinate to any party)
- Resolves disputes
- Ensures followthough
- Scribe
- Keep and disseminate records of the meeting(s)
- Stakeholders
- Managers
- Users
- Identify operational needs
- Developers
- Primarily listen to understand the evolving specification
- Respond when necessary via the facilitator
- JAD preparation
- Defining the project, identifying stakeholders, participants, etc.
- Preliminary research
- Initial needs analysis
- Consideration of alternatives
- Session preparation
- Space, amenities, infrastructure
- Visual aids, CASE tools, etc.
- JAD sessions
- Clear agenda
- Allocated time for each topic
- Intensive, no distractions
- Heavy use of visual aids, CASE, prototypes
- Face-to-face
- All parties must be heard, all parties equal
- Spanning days or weeks until all issues are resolved
- Work towards group concensus
- Final report
- Participatory Design
- Bring together users and developers
- Bypass middle managers
- Design with users, not by users, not for users
- Simulate problems and solutions, model systems, play "games"
- Work bottom up from the real or proposed workflow
- Rapid Application Development
- Bring together users and developers into formal focus groups,
- Informal PD-like and web-based communications encouraged
- Early and frequent prototyping, with "fake" models as with PD
- Users test designs and prototypes
- Extensive use of reusuable components
- Formal use of version control systems
- Drop features to stay on schedule ("timeboxing")
- Iterate until the project is complete
- JAD/PD/RAD differences (derived in part from web page formerly at
- PD less structured, less formal than JAD
- RAD combines some of the features of PD and JAD
- JAD and RAD focus on quantitative measures
- PD focuses on qualitative measures
- RAD will produce a result, but it may not be what was needed
- JAD and RAD treat managers as users
- PD treats managers as distinct from actual users