By Herbert J. Bernstein
© Copyright 2000 Herbert J. Bernstein
In mathematics variables are the quantities which can assume more
than one value, as opposed to constants which have a fixed value.
Variables are often used as parameters which determine the results
obtained from functions. In working with computers, the term variable has
been adopted as the asbtraction for a portion of memory within which different
values may be stored at different times during the execution of a
- Names
- A name is a symbolic string by which we refer to an abstract or
concrete entity
- The same name may be used to refer to multiple entities (e.g. overloaded operators)
- A given entity may have multiple names (e.g. octal, decimal and hexadecimal
representations of the same number)
- The most useful names are mnemonic; they remind us of the entity referred to.
- Constants referred to by strings of digits of the appropriate value
- Some languages allow constants to be named
- Functions referred to by names such as "cos", "pow"
- Languages restrict permitted names
- To avoid confusion among entities (e.g. variables vs. constants)
- To avoid conflict with language constructs (e.g. "for")
- To conserve resources (e.g. limiting lengths of names to conserve symbol table size)
- Historical reasons (e.g. upper case only)
- Issues
- What set of characters to allow (alphanumeric, specials, all)
- What limits to set on meaningful name length (1, 6, 7, 32, unlimited)
- Treat upper and lower case as distinct
- What words to disallow (reserve)
- Variables
- Many properties: name(s), storage mapping(s), contents, type(s), associated methods, ...
- Multiple names for the same variable
- Multiple names for the same storage mapping (aliases)
- Storage mapping addresses called l-values
- Contents called r-values
- Methods have always been associated with types, emphasized with objects
- Binding
- Associating properties with names
- Static (compile time) binding -- saves time during execution
- Dynamic (run time) binding -- simplifies programming
- Different properties may be bound (and unbound) at different times
- Lazy evaluation -- postpone binding of values as long as possible
- Dynamic typing -- flexible but cannot check types at compile time
- Dynamic storage allocation
- Raises the issue of lifetime
- Raises the issue of dynamic binding
- Raises the issue of dynamic type checking
- Stacks, heaps, interaction with pure and impure code
- Explicit and implicit storage allocation, garbage collection
- Scope
- Portions of code within which a given instance of a variable is known
- e.g. formal function parameters known only within a function definition
- Scope may be static or dynamic
- Static scope determined by the relationships of declarations at compile time
- Dynamic scope determined by the relationships of declarations at run time
- Binding a properties to a name at run time in an outer level of procedure
declaration, effective for procedures call deeper within the thread of
- Blocks with local declarations
- Allow for limited scope (and perhaps lifetime) without having to declare a
new procedure
- Nesting allows variable declarations to be brought near their use
- Types
- Simple types have implicit methods
- Complex types may lack associated methods
- Complex types may be homgeneous (arrays) or heterogeneous (structs, unions)
- Objects allow methods for complex types
- Overloading allows aliasing of methods (multiple meanings for the same method)
- Initialization
- Static -- like an assignment statement, but at compile time
- Dynamic -- implicit assignment statement at start of lifetime
Last Updated on 2 March 2000
By Herbert J. Bernstein