After the initial RasTop 2.0 release, changes were made on 27 January 2002 to repres.c and transfor.c. These changes are reflected in the current binaries, but not necessarily in the current source. The revised repres.c from P. Valadon corrected some bugs responsible of little holes in the Connolly surface.
Below is a version of the CalculatePotential function from Roger (transfor.c) provided by P. Valadon that gives better rendering by using Real calculations.
int CalculatePotential( Long x, Long y, Long z ) { register Chain __far *chain; register Group __far *group; register RAtom __far *ptr; register Long dx,dy,dz; register Real result; register Card dist; register Card max; /* Calculated charges have b-values < 0.0 */ /* if( MinFun(MinMainTemp,MinHetaTemp) >= 0 ) */ /* CalculateCharges(); */ /* 8.0 Angstrom Cut Off */ max = (Long)2000*2000; result = 0; ForEachAtom { dx = ptr->xorg + ptr->fxorg - x; if( (dist=dx*dx) < max ) { dy = ptr->yorg + ptr->fyorg - y; if( (dist+=dy*dy) < max ) { dz = ptr->zorg + ptr->fzorg - z; if( (dist+=dz*dz) < max ) result += (Real)(CoulombScale*ptr->temp) / isqrt(dist); } } } /* Dielectric Constant = 10.0 */ /* (332.0*250.0)/(10.0*100.0) */ result = Round((result*83)/CoulombScale); return (int)result; }