CBF/imgCIF Extensions Dictionary

Draft version 1.5 for comment

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Image dictionary (imgCIF) version 1.5.4




        The increment for each step for the specified axis
               in degrees.  In general, this will agree with
               _diffrn_scan_frame_axis.angle_increment. The
               sum of the values of _diffrn_scan_frame_axis.angle and
               _diffrn_scan_frame_axis.angle_increment is the
               angular setting of the axis at the end of the integration
               time for a given frame.  If the individual frame values
               vary, then the value of
               _diffrn_scan_axis.angle_increment will be
               of the ensemble of values of
               _diffrn_scan_frame_axis.angle_increment (e.g.
               the mean).

Type: float

Mandatory item: no

Enumeration default: 0.0

Category: diffrn_scan_axis

HTML version of draft dictionary created by modified version of makedicthtml by B. McMahon from modified version of imgCIF dcitionary 1.3.2 which is subject to the following copyright: