DRAFT DICTIONARY CBF/imgCIF Extensions Dictionary |
Draft version 1.5 for comment |
############################################################################## # # # Image CIF Dictionary (imgCIF) # # and Crystallographic Binary File Dictionary (CBF) # # Extending the Macromolecular CIF Dictionary (mmCIF) # # # # Version 1.5.4 # # of 2007-07-28 # # ################################################################### # # # *** WARNING *** THIS IS A DRAFT FOR DISCUSSSION *** WARNING *** # # # # SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE # # # # SEND COMMENTS TO imgcif-l@iucr.org CITING THE VERSION # # # ################################################################### # # This draft edited by H. J. Bernstein # # # # by Andrew P. Hammersley, Herbert J. Bernstein and John D. Westbrook # # # # This dictionary was adapted from format discussed at the imgCIF Workshop, # # held at BNL Oct 1997 and the Crystallographic Binary File Format Draft # # Proposal by Andrew Hammersley. The first DDL 2.1 Version was created by # # John Westbrook. This version was drafted by Herbert J. Bernstein and # # incorporates comments by I. David Brown, John Westbrook, Brian McMahon, # # Bob Sweet, Paul Ellis, Harry Powell, Wilfred Li, Gotzon Madariaga, # # Frances C. Bernstein, Chris Nielsen, Nicola Ashcroft and others. # ##############################################################################Definitions are arranged alphabetically by category and within category.
Copyright © 2005 International Union of Crystallography