![]() | *** >>> Latest Windows Installer <<< *** | ||||||||||||
Version | MAC PPC binaries | MSWIN binaries | RasWin Help File | LINUX binaries | RasMol Help File | MORE ... | |||||||
2.7.1 | 8 32 | 8 | raw gz | 8 16 32 | raw gz | |||||||| | 8 32 | 8 | raw gz | 8 16 32 | raw gz | HPUX 11 Solaris 2.5 | |||||||
2.7.2 | 8 32 | 8 | raw gz | 8 16 32 | raw gz | |||||||| | 8 32 | 8 | raw gz | 8 16 32 | raw gz | HPUX 11 Solaris 2.5 OpenVMS SGI | |||||||
See Source Code and Binaries for more. |
Author | Version, Date | Copyright |
Arne Mueller | RasMol 2.6x1 May 1998 | © Arne Mueller 1998 |
Gary Grossman and Marco Molinaro | RasMol 2.5-ucb November 1995 RasMol 2.6-ucb November 1996 | © UC Regents/ModularCHEM Consortium 1995, 1996 |
Philippe Valadon | RasTop 1.3 August 2000 | © Philippe Valadon 2000 |
Herbert J. Bernstein | RasMol 2.7.0 March 1999 RasMol 2.7.1 June 1999 RasMol January 2001 RasMol 2.7.2 August 2000 RasMol April 2001 | © Herbert J. Bernstein 1998-2001 |
Author | Item | Language |
Isabel Serván Martínez, José Miguel Fernández Fernández | 2.6 Manual | Spanish |
José Miguel Fernández Fernández | 2.7.1 Manual | Spanish |
Fernando Gabriel Ranea | 2.7.1 menus and messages | Spanish |
Jean-Pierre Demailly | 2.7.1 menus and messages | French |
Giuseppe Martini, Giovanni Paolella, A. Davassi, M. Masullo, C. Liotto | 2.7.1 menus and messages 2.7.1 help file | Italian |
The original RasMol manual was created by Roger Sayle. In July 1996, Dr. Margaret Wong of the Chemistry Department, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia, made extensive revisions to the RasMol 2.5 manual to accurately reflect the operation of RasMol 2.6. Eric Martz of the University of Massachusetts made further revisions. In May 1997, William McClure of Carnegie Mellon University reorganized the HTML version of the manual into multiple sections which could be downloaded quickly and added use of frames. Portions of the 2.7.1 version of the RasMol manual were derived with permission from William McClure's version using Roger Sayle's rasmol.doc for version 2.6.4 as the primary source. Changes were made in August 2000 for RasMol version 2.7.2, January 2001 for RasMol version and April 2001 for RasMol version
Thanks to the efforts of José Miguel Fernández Fernández (Departamento de Bioquímica y Biología Molecular. Universidad de Granada. España (jmfernan@ugr.es)) a translation of the Manual for Rasmol version 2.7.1 into Spanish is now available. La traducción española del manual de la versión de la Dra. Wong revisada por Eric Martz fue realizada por Isabel Serván Martínez y José Miguel Fernández Fernández. La actual traducción del Manual de RasMol 2.7.1 ha sido realizada usando como base la anterior de RasMol 2.6 por José Miguel Fernández Fernández.
Thanks to translations by Fernando Gabriel Ranea
This is a preliminary release of a version from the RasMol 2.7 series incorporating the "UCB" mods and other major changes. It is being released at this stage to solicit comments and suggestions, and is not intended for production use at this time.
This version is based directly on RasMol version 2.7.2, on RasMol, on RasTop 1.3, on RasMol version 2.6_CIF.2, on RasMol version 2.6x1, on RasMol version 2.6.4, and RasMol 2.5-ucb and 2.6-ucb. Please read the file NOTICE for important notices which apply to this package. If you are not going to make changes to RasMol, you are not only permitted to freely make copies and distribute them, you are encouraged to do so, provided you do the following:
If you would like to use major pieces of RasMol in some other program, make modifications to RasMol, or in some other way make what a lawyer would call a "derived work", you are not only permitted to do so, you are encouraged to do so. In addition to the things we discussed above, please do the following:
This version of RasMol is not in the public domain, but it is given freely to the community in the hopes of advancing science. If you make changes, please make them in a responsible manner, and please offer us the opportunity to include those changes in future versions of RasMol.
Note (24 Nov 2002): Compilations for MacOS X 10.2 (Darwin 6.2) using the XDarwin X-Windows interface are now available from the Accessible Retired Computers in Biology (ARCiB) project.
Note (17 July 2002): Compilations for SGI IRIX 6.2 which have also been tested under IRIX 6.5 are now available from the Accessible Retired Computers in Biology (ARCiB) project.
Note (27 May 2002): The PC (MS Windows) binary was recompiled with a patch to correct the failure of the mouse right-click logic which caused the image to shift off-screen. Our apologies for the long delay in resolving this problem.
Note (1 May 2002): Compilations for Sun Solaris 2.5.1 (Sun OS 5.5.1) and DEC/Compaq OpenVMS 7.1 (AXP) and 6.2 (VAX) have been added. In order the do the build, post release patches were needed to build.com and an rint.c were needed. The VMS default for rasmol.h was changed to define X11WIN.
Note (19 Apr 2002): Post release patches to facilitate HPUX_11 binary builds have been included, and a full range of HPUX_11 binaries (both PARISC and IA64) have been made available. These patches will help RasMol in adapting to other 64-bit architectures. Our thanks to Gabriele Rearick of Hewlett Packard for her assistance and for making HP computers available for the builds. Gabriele Rearick has also provided a script, hp_supported.ksh, that may be used to identify the correct version of rasmol (PARISC or IA64) to run under HPUX on your system.
Note: Post release patches to command.c have been included to fix the handling of load inline in the UCB multiple molecule environment. In addition conditional code controlled by STRICT was disabled to restore operation of load inline under windows. Thanks to Jan Reichert <jr@imb-jena.de> for pointing out these problems. Thanks to E. Martz <emartz@microbio.umass.edu> for pointing out an error in the Spanish translation credits which has been corrected.
This posting is to announce the release of RasMol version, which makes the following changes to RasMol 2.7.2, incorporating changes from RasMol and some changes from RasTop 1.3:
The release of RasMol version made the following changes to RasMol 2.7.1:
The release of RasMol version 2.7.2, made the following changes to RasMol 2.7.1:
This release does not include the toolbar from the UCB mods. In order to resolve some cross-platform issues we have started incorporation of the UCB code for multiple molecules and bond rotation by adding to the command interface and to the menus. We expect to be able to add a toolbar in a future release.
This release is not fully debugged and has some serious problems. This release is intended for testing and experimentation and not for production use. Comments and suggestions would be appreciated. We are aware fo the following deficiencies:
The release of RasMol version 2.7.1 made the following changes to RasMol 2.7.0:
RasMol version was a technically minor, but operationally critical upgrade to version 2.7.0, correcting a serious error in the selection logic introduced in the process of merging versions to create version 2.7.0.
RasMol version 2.7.0 combined Roger Sayle's version 2.6.4 with Herbert Bernstein's CIF modified version 2.6_CIF(Rev 2) and with Arne Mueller's version 2.6x1. This combined version allows selection by alternate conformers as well as by models, production of Ramachandran printer plots (as in F. Bernstein's fisipl), and access to A. Mueller's POVray output as POVray3 in addition to the existing POVray version 2 output. (POVray3 should not be used in the PC or Mac version, yet).
RasMol version 2.6x1 was an upgrade to RasMol by Arne Mueller to add code to allow listing of information about the chains, groups or atoms in a selection, listing of phi-psi, allow selection by cis angle cutoff, and to provide a POV-Ray version 3 output.
RasMol version 2.6.4 was a major code cleanup and reorganization by Roger Sayle, dropping obsolete non-ANSI C options and providing speed improvments.
RasMol version 2.6_CIF(Rev 2) added pre-compiled binaries for OpenVMS 7.1 (DEC Alpha) and OpenVMS 6.2 (DEC VAX) and replaced the binary for 68K Apple MacIntoshes in RasMol version 2.6_CIF(Rev 1).
Rasmol version 2.6_CIF(Rev 1) was a minor update to RasMol version 2.6_CIF, which added support for alternate conformer coloring of small molecule CIFs, using _atom_site_disorder_group, recognizes requests for bonds which have neither atom names nor atom numbers, ensures zapping of existing bonds when connect command is used.
RasMol version 2.6_CIF added several new features to RasMol:
This version is available for the Apple Macintosh and PowerMac in addition to UNIX, VMS and Microsoft Windows versions. However, because of limitations in the memory management under MacOS, very large multiple NMR model datasets are not supported on the Mac or PowerMac at this time.
For a complete list of changes from RasMol 2.6 refer to the distribution's "ChangeLog".
For installation instructions see "INSTALL".
For a list of open issues in this version, see "TODO". Roger Sayle's prior list of pending projects is in "PROJECTS".
RasMol is a molecular graphics program intended for the visualisation of proteins, nucleic acids and small molecules. The program is aimed at display, teaching and generation of publication quality images. The program has been developed at the University of Edinburgh's Biocomputing Research Unit and the Biomolecular Structures Group at Glaxo Research and Development, Greenford, UK.
RasMol reads in molecular co-ordinate files in a number of formats and interactively displays the molecule on the screen in a variety of colour schemes and representations. Currently supported input file formats include Brookhaven Protein Databank (PDB), Tripos' Alchemy and Sybyl Mol2 formats, Molecular Design Limited's (MDL) Mol file format, Minnesota Supercomputer Center's (MSC) XMol XYZ format, CHARMm format, MOPAC format, CIF format and mmCIF format files. If connectivity information and/or secondary structure information is not contained in the file this is calculated automatically. The loaded molecule may be shown as wireframe, cylinder (drieding) stick bonds, alpha-carbon trace, spacefilling (CPK) spheres, macromolecular ribbons (either smooth shaded solid ribbons or parallel strands), hydrogen bonding and dot surface. Atoms may also be labelled with arbitrary text strings. Alternate conformers and multiple NMR models may be specially coloured and identified in atom labels. Different parts of the molecule may be displayed and coloured independently of the rest of the molecule or shown in different representations simultaneously. The space filling spheres can even be shadowed. The displayed molecule may be rotated, translated, zoomed, z-clipped (slabbed) interactively using either the mouse, the scroll bars, the command line or an attached dials box. RasMol can read a prepared list of commands from a `script' file (or via interprocess communication) to allow a given image or viewpoint to be restored quickly. RasMol can also create a script file containing the commands required to regenerate the current image. Finally the rendered image may be written out in a variety of formats including both raster and vector PostScript, GIF, PPM, BMP, PICT, Sun rasterfile or as a MolScript input script or Kinemage.
RasMol will run on a wide range of architectures and systems including SGI, sun4, sun3, sun386i, SGI, DEC, HP and E&S workstations, IBM RS/6000, Cray, Sequent, DEC Alpha (OSF/1, OpenVMS and Windows NT), IBM PC (under Microsoft Windows, Windows NT, OS/2, Linux, BSD386 and *BSD), Apple Macintosh (System 7.0 or later), PowerMac and VAX VMS (under DEC Windows). UNIX and VMS versions require an 8bit, 24bit or 32bit X Windows frame buffer (X11R4 or later). The X Windows version of RasMol provides optional support for a hardware dials box and accelerated shared memory rendering (via the XInput and MIT-SHM extensions) if available.
As of this writing (17 July 2002), this version has been built for Mandrake 7.2 Linux, SGI, Mac, IBM PC under Windows 95/98, HPUX 11 on both PARISC and IA64 platforms, Sun Solaris 2.5.1 (Sun OS 5.5.1) with gcc, DEC/Compaq OpenVMS 7.1 on AXP, and SGI IRIX 6.2. Our thanks to Gabriele Rearick of HP Fort Collins for access to the necessary HP systems. Our thanks to Edward Hawrot of Brown University for donation of a Sparcserver 670 MP to the Accessible Retired Computers in Biology (ARCiB) project at Dowling College. The Sparcserver was used to compile the Solaris 2.5.1 binaries. Our thanks to David Atkinson of Boston University both for remote access to his AXP system which was used to compile the OpenVMS 7.1 binaries and for the donation of two VAXStations to the ARCiB project. The VAXStations were used to compile the OpenVMS 6.2 binaries. Our thanks to Dr. John Westbrook of Rutgers and the PDB and NDB projects for the donation of an SGI Challenge computer to the ARCiB project, and to Dr. Ron Black of Dowling College for the donation of several SGI O2's. The Challenge was used to compile the new SGI binaries and the O2's used to test operation under IRIX 6.5. Our thanks to the NSF for funding of the ARCiB project. Reports of builds and/or problems on other platforms appreciated.
The complete source code and user documentation of RasMol may be obtained by anonymous FTP at:
or on the web at:
The source code and documentation are stored in several files appropriate for the receiving operating system. Please read the "README" file in the distribution directory. See the table below for appropriate binaries. Mac and Windows binaries are no longer included on the tar. Unix and VMS users should retrieve the same file for source code and documentation, and one or more of the following pre-compiled binaries: WARNING: ALL binaries are gzipped!!!
System | Binary | Help Files |
HPUX 11.00 (PARISC), 8 bit display, 32 bit compilation, gzipped rasmol_8BIT_HPUX_PARISC_32.gz | rasmol.hlp.gz |
HPUX 11.00 (PARISC), 8 bit display, 64 bit compilation, gzipped rasmol_8BIT_HPUX_PARISC_64.gz | rasmol.hlp.gz | |
HPUX 11.00 (PARISC), 16 bit display, 32 bit compilation, gzipped rasmol_16BIT_HPUX_PARISC_32.gz | rasmol.hlp.gz | |
HPUX 11.00 (PARISC), 16 bit display, 64 bit compilation, gzipped rasmol_16BIT_HPUX_PARISC_64.gz | rasmol.hlp.gz | |
HPUX 11.00 (PARISC), 32 bit display, 32 bit compilation, gzipped rasmol_32BIT_HPUX_PARISC_32.gz | rasmol.hlp.gz | |
HPUX 11.00 (PARISC), 32 bit display, 64 bit compilation, gzipped rasmol_32BIT_HPUX_PARISC_64.gz | rasmol.hlp.gz | |
| ||
Gabriele Rearick has provided a script, hp_supported.ksh, that may be used to identify the correct version of rasmol (PARISC or IA64) to run under HPUX on your system. | ||
| ||
HPUX 11.20 (IA64), 8 bit display, 32 bit compilation, gzipped rasmol_8BIT_HPUX_IA64_32.gz | rasmol.hlp.gz | |
HPUX 11.20 (IA64), 8 bit display, 64 bit compilation, gzipped rasmol_8BIT_HPUX_IA64_64.gz | rasmol.hlp.gz | |
HPUX 11.20 (IA64), 16 bit display, 32 bit compilation, gzipped rasmol_16BIT_HPUX_IA64_32.gz | rasmol.hlp.gz | |
HPUX 11.20 (IA64), 16 bit display, 64 bit compilation, gzipped rasmol_16BIT_HPUX_IA64_64.gz | rasmol.hlp.gz | |
HPUX 11.20 (IA64), 32 bit display, 32 bit compilation, gzipped rasmol_32BIT_HPUX_IA64_32.gz | rasmol.hlp.gz | |
HPUX 11.20 (IA64), 32 bit display, 64 bit compilation, gzipped rasmol_32BIT_HPUX_IA64_64.gz | rasmol.hlp.gz | |
| ||
SGI: | IRIX 6.2, see http://arcib.dowling.edu for 8, 16 and 32-bit display binaries. Also tested under IRIX 6.5. | rasmol.hlp.gz |
| ||
Sun: |
Solaris 2.5.1/SunOS 5.5.1 (sparc) 8 bit display, gcc compilation, gzipped rasmol_8BIT_gcc.gz | rasmol.hlp.gz |
Solaris 2.5.1/SunOS 5.5.1 (sparc) 16 bit display, gcc compilation, gzipped rasmol_16BIT_gcc.gz | rasmol.hlp.gz | |
Solaris 2.5.1/SunOS 5.5.1 (sparc) 32 bit display, gcc compilation, gzipped rasmol_32BIT_gcc.gz | rasmol.hlp.gz | |
| ||
DEC/Compaq: |
OpenVMS 7.1 (AXP) 8 bit display, DECC compilation, gzipped rasmol_8BIT.exe.gz | rasmol.hlp.gz |
OpenVMS 7.1 (AXP) 16 bit display, DECC compilation, gzipped rasmol_16BIT.exe.gz | rasmol.hlp.gz | |
OpenVMS 7.1 (AXP) 32 bit display, DECC compilation, gzipped rasmol_32BIT.exe.gz | rasmol.hlp.gz | |
| ||
OpenVMS 6.2 (VAX) 8 bit display, DECC compilation, gzipped rasmol_8BIT.exe.gz | rasmol.hlp.gz | |
OpenVMS 6.2 (VAX) 16 bit display, DECC compilation, gzipped rasmol_16BIT.exe.gz | rasmol.hlp.gz | |
OpenVMS 6.2 (VAX) 32 bit display, DECC compilation, gzipped rasmol_32BIT.exe.gz | rasmol.hlp.gz | |
| ||
Linux: |
Linux (Mandrake 7.2, i386), 8 bit display, gzipped rasmol_8BIT.gz |
rasmol.hlp.gz |
Linux (Mandrake 7.2, i386), 16 bit display, gzipped rasmol_16BIT.gz | rasmol.hlp.gz | |
Linux (Mandrake 7.2, i386), 32 bit display, gzipped rasmol_32BIT.gz | rasmol.hlp.gz | |
| ||
Mac: | MacOS X see http://arcib.dowling.edu for 8, 16 and 32-bit display binaries. Tested under MacOS X 10.2.2 using XDarwin | rasmol.hlp.gz |
| ||
Macintosh (MacOS 7.6-9.1), 8 bit display, PPC or 68K, CodeWarrior 5 compilation, MacBinary, gzipped RasMac_FAT_8BIT.bin.gz | rasmol.hlp.gz | |
Macintosh (MacOS 7.6-9.1), 8 bit display, PPC, CodeWarrior 5 compilation, MacBinary, gzipped RasMac_PPC_8BIT.bin.gz | ||
Macintosh (MacOS 7.6-9.1), 8 bit display, 68K, CodeWarrior 5 compilation, MacBinary, gzipped RasMac_68K_8BIT.bin.gz | ||
Macintosh (MacOS 7.6-9.1), 32 bit display, PPC or 68K, CodeWarrior 5 compilation, MacBinary, gzipped RasMac_FAT_32BIT.bin.gz | ||
Macintosh (MacOS 7.6-9.1), 32 bit display, PPC, CodeWarrior 5 compilation, MacBinary, gzipped RasMac_PPC_32BIT.bin.gz | ||
Macintosh (MacOS 7.6-9.1), 32 bit display, 68K, CodeWarrior 5 compilation, MacBinary, gzipped RasMac_68K_32BIT.bin.gz | ||
| ||
Windows: |
PC clone (MS Windows 95, 98) CodeWarrior 5 compilation, gzipped RasWin.exe.gz | rasmol.hlp.gz, raswin.hlp.gz |
For those who have difficulty downloading "gzipped" files, uncompressed files are available:
System | Binary | Help Files |
HPUX 11.00 (PARISC), 8 bit display, 32 bit compilation rasmol_8BIT_HPUX_PARISC_32 |
rasmol.hlp |
HPUX 11.00 (PARISC) 8 bit display, 64 bit compilation rasmol_8BIT_HPUX_PARISC_64 | rasmol.hlp | |
HPUX 11.00 (PARISC) 16 bit display, 32 bit compilation rasmol_16BIT_HPUX_PARISC_32 | rasmol.hlp | |
HPUX 11.00 (PARISC) 16 bit display, 64 bit compilation rasmol_16BIT_HPUX_PARISC_64 | rasmol.hlp | |
HPUX 11.00 (PARISC) 32 bit display, 32 bit compilation rasmol_32BIT_HPUX_PARISC_32 | rasmol.hlp | |
HPUX 11.00 (PARISC) 32 bit display, 64 bit compilation rasmol_32BIT_HPUX_PARISC_64 | rasmol.hlp | |
| ||
HPUX 11.20 (IA64), 8 bit display, 32 bit compilation rasmol_8BIT_HPUX_IA64_32 | rasmol.hlp | |
HPUX 11.20 (IA64), 8 bit display, 64 bit compilation rasmol_8BIT_HPUX_IA64_64 | rasmol.hlp | |
HPUX 11.20 (IA64), 16 bit display, 32 bit compilation rasmol_16BIT_HPUX_IA64_32 | rasmol.hlp | |
HPUX 11.20 (IA64), 16 bit display, 64 bit compilation rasmol_16BIT_HPUX_IA64_64 | rasmol.hlp | |
HPUX 11.20 (IA64), 32 bit display, 32 bit compilation rasmol_16BIT_HPUX_IA64_32 | rasmol.hlp | |
HPUX 11.20 (IA64), 32 bit display, 64 bit compilation rasmol_16BIT_HPUX_IA64_64 | rasmol.hlp | |
| ||
SGI: | IRIX 6.2, see http://arcib.dowling.edu for 8, 16 and 32-bit display binaries. Also tested under IRIX 6.5. | rasmol.hlp |
| ||
Sun: |
Solaris 2.5.1/SunOS 5.5.1 (sparc) 8 bit display, gcc compilation rasmol_8BIT_gcc | rasmol.hlp |
Solaris 2.5.1/SunOS 5.5.1 (sparc) 16 bit display, gcc compilation rasmol_16BIT_gcc | rasmol.hlp | |
Solaris 2.5.1/SunOS 5.5.1 (sparc) 32 bit display, gcc compilation RasMol.SUN/Solaris_2.5.1/sparc/rasmol_32BIT_gcc | rasmol.hlp | |
| ||
DEC/Compaq: |
OpenVMS 7.1 (AXP) 8 bit display, DECC compilation rasmol_8BIT.exe | rasmol.hlp |
OpenVMS 7.1 (AXP) 16 bit display, DECC compilation rasmol_16BIT.exe | rasmol.hlp | |
OpenVMS 7.1 (AXP) 32 bit display, DECC compilation rasmol_32BIT.exe | rasmol.hlp | |
| ||
OpenVMS 6.2 (VAX) 8 bit display, DECC compilation rasmol_8BIT.exe | rasmol.hlp | |
OpenVMS 6.2 (VAX) 16 bit display, DECC compilation rasmol_16BIT.exe | rasmol.hlp | |
OpenVMS 6.2 (VAX) 32 bit display, DECC compilation rasmol_32BIT.exe | rasmol.hlp | |
| ||
Linux: |
Linux (Mandrake 7.2, i386), 8 bit display rasmol_8BIT | rasmol.hlp |
Linux (Mandrake 7.2, i386), 16 bit display rasmol_16BIT | rasmol.hlp | |
Linux (Mandrake 7.2, i386), 32 bit display rasmol_32BIT | rasmol.hlp | |
| ||
Mac: | MacOS X see http://arcib.dowling.edu for 8, 16 and 32-bit display binaries. Tested under MacOS X 10.2.2 using XDarwin | rasmol.hlp |
| ||
Macintosh (MacOS 7.6-9.1), 8 bit display, PPC or 68K, CodeWarrior 5 compilation, MacBinary RasMac_FAT_8BIT.bin | ||
Macintosh (MacOS 7.6-9.1), 8 bit display, PPC, CodeWarrior 5 compilation, MacBinary RasMac_PPC_8BIT.bin | ||
Macintosh (MacOS 7.6-9.1), 8 bit display, 68K, CodeWarrior 5 compilation, MacBinary RasMac_68K_8BIT.bin | rasmol.hlp | |
Macintosh (MacOS 7.6-9.1), 32 bit display, PPC or 68K, CodeWarrior 5 compilation, MacBinary RasMac_FAT_32BIT.bin | rasmol.hlp | |
Macintosh (MacOS 7.6-9.1), 32 bit display, PPC, CodeWarrior 5 compilation, MacBinary RasMac_PPC_32BIT.bin | rasmol.hlp | |
Macintosh (MacOS 7.6-9.1), 32 bit display, 68K, CodeWarrior 5 compilation, MacBinary RasMac_68K_32BIT.bin | rasmol.hlp | |
| ||
Windows: |
PC clone (MS Windows 95, 98) CodeWarrior 5 compilation RasWin.exe | rasmol.hlp, raswin.hlp |
You will need both an appropriate binary and a copy of rasmol.hlp for each system, and, under Windows, a copy of raswin.hlp for the WinHelp sub-system.
Please remember to use "binary" mode when transferring these files between systems. Check that the file size is the same before and after transfer.
Any comments, suggestions or questions about this modified version of RasMol should be directed to rasmol@bernstein-plus-sons.com.